Sunday, January 21, 2007

A promise is a promise

A promise is a promise...

I was leaving but I started thinking of this card...I told that I tried to post it here, and now that I know how to do it, I posted another...Nooo, it´s not a good thing... So, I´m back to show you this amazing card. It´s Angkor Vat Temple, and I dreamed to have a card like this! Hope you enjoy it too!



YES!!! Finally I managed to post some images here! This card I received from Italy, Lessa sent it to me. Italy is one of the countries I wish I could visit someday. Lots of History and beautiful landscapes.

I didn´t put it in my profile but I am a History fan, I even tried to get a university degree in it, but I quit sometime ago...Maybe someday I´ll restart...

Today I put all my images in the postcrossing group in Flickr. Only now I realized that I have to send it myself to the group... So you can see it there now!

Monday, January 15, 2007

I´m back!

Hi! After almost 2 months of not writing at all, I decided to restart with this.

Today I receive one of the most beautiful cards I´ve seen, it came from Germany sent by Steffi but with an amazing view of Cambodja! Angkor Wat is one dream place! I also received more 4 cards, all official, one to me, 2 to Duarte and 2 to Ricardo.

World is really a small place: after a swap with ehyyd in the forum, she sent an official card to Ricardo. I started to exchange cards with Suspiria like that. ( I haven´t heard of you for a few days... I´ll send a card soon)

Ok, I tried several times to upload the Cambodjia card, I can´t do it and worst, I don´t know why!
I´m getting frustrted. I will try maybe tomorrow but in the meantime you can go to Flickr and take a look at it. Jut click here

Bye bye.